
Saturday, January 26, 2013

REVIEW: Press (RSS Reader)

We have all seen the RSS readers out there, I know I have gone to one on my phone and deleted it a week later because it didn’t have Google syncing or deleted it because it didn’t auto populate my feeds even though it did have Google account sync. Sometimes the UI just isn’t up to par and sometimes it just isn’t easy to navigate. I know everyone has preferences and there are some out there reading this that think I am crazy because they love their specific third party RSS reader, which is fine.

My preference and recommendation is Press. This reader is not only beautiful but also easy to navigate and understand, they integrated the holo UI into it and it works well. This is one of the applications people talk about when you talk about Android done correctly. When it comes to voting for a great third party application for RSS readers, I choose this one.

Give the images a look and see what I am talking about, from things like marking all as read to starring, it all looks amazing, it is easy to come back and find what has been read, what is starred as important and what is read already (as it has been cleared off).

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